Monday 31 October 2011

Update on To Do List

So it's been about a month and what progress have I made on the to do list.
I've got fishies!!! I'm pretty sure they're telescope eyes (love the name) but animates called them nymphs.
Turns out they're really hard to take pictures of. The orange and white one is "Sharkbait" and the black one is "Kermit". They're pretty lazy instead of swimming to the top to eat the food they wait for it to come to them and Kermit always missing the food and takes naps in the stones. 

Also volunteer wise I have signed up with the SPCA to do volunteer work but still waiting to hear back. 

And finally half-marathon, at the moment I am contemplating doing the Wellington round the bays in Feb. Also with this marathon there is the option to 'run for research' with the money going to the Malaghan Institute, which would:
1. Aid research in cancer, asthma, diabetes and MS
2. Help increase job positions for scientists struggling for jobs

Pretty good stint into the to do list me thinks

Thursday 20 October 2011

I'm Lovin' It

A lot of songs evoke memories of where I hear them especially if i was having a good time. This one is now forever gonna remind me of driving around dunedin in my friends car last weekend :)

Monday 3 October 2011

Just a Short One

I have finally started reading Eat Pray Love, which kindly enough Julia Roberts is narrating in my head for me.
It's a very different writing style than I'm used to but I love it. So far my favourite quote is:

"The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving. I didn't want to destroy anything or anyone. I just wanted to slip quietly out the back door without causing any fuss, or consequences..."