Tuesday 28 June 2011

Bit Delayed

Sorry kids have just been bone tired lately when I get home from work and don't have the energy to blog.
So the other week i finally got around to making soft pretzels, a recipe which I found at Sweet Peas Kitchen. On the blog she says that the recipe is easier than she thought. I don't know if she's on crack or used to making bloody hard recipes, but this recipe was NOT easy. It took forever, but they did look pretty awesome when finished.

So on the weekend I was sposed to fly up to the tron, to see the boyfriend. Unfortunately there was a stupid thing called an ash cloud, and a stupid airline called Jetstar; and so even though AirNZ was flying, jetstar instead txted me at 12am! saying that the flight was cancelled cos they are a 'safety concious airline' (yeah right). So didn't make it to Hamilton.

 The one upside is that I did get to see someone actually roll around on the floor with laughter, that someone being my Dad. We were watching Monty Python, where the fat man explodes, hahah so funny.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Ash Thursday

Ash cloud sunrise

Beautiful, but it had better piss off before next friday, I have jetstar flights to Aucks

Workin' 9 to 5 Like Dolly Parton

Almost finished my first week of work, getting semi tired, especially when I don't get home to 7pm cos a Railway Barrier was broken so had to sit at it for 20min! why didnt I turn around, you ask? cos there was 50 MILLION cars behind me. So not impressed.
Although atleast I didnt feel any aftershocks todays as opposed to yesterday when there was quite a lot of them.

I also had my first section meeting today that was boring as hell due to the speaker but was actually on a cool as topic, this dye repeller thing they made for wollen textiles so that if you want to a red heart on a black jersey you knit the jersey using undyed wool, and paint a heart with the dye repell and then immerse it in a mix of black and red dye which creates the design you want.

 Does this guy creep anyone else out
He sits by desk and creeps me out all day long, with his long claws and breaking off ears urgh.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Shakes and Quakes

Was my first day today... and we got evacuated at 3pm due to two earthquakes 5.5 and 6.0,  thought a huge machine called a instrum was gonna fall on me, first time that I'v actually run for the door frame so far.
So then I started the long drive home which would normally take 1 hour, this took two and if I hadn't taken a detour at Yaldhurst it would of probably taken even longer.
Other than that it was a normal first day in that I didn't actually do any work, just normal start up HR stuff, scoped the employees at lunchtime for ppl I can be friends with, a limited amount since most ppl are atleast 10 years older than me.
Am gonna get my own computer tho so thats pretty exciting, not that they are planning on me ever actually having time to be at my desk.

Stole this from a girl in the lab I did honours in, but its awesome check it out, something to brighten up your day especially if you live in chch.
Kia Kaha everyone

Thursday 9 June 2011

Shout Out

Shout out to chicken McCheese's and to Leah for bringing me one for tea, was super YUM.
If you havnt tried one yet, do its like deluxe cheeseburger but chicken version.
Also I am super loving the famous peeps on Sesame St, my fave is definately the one with Jude Law

The way he says his name and 'cling' cracks me up everytime, Jack Black is also pretty sweet and Jake Gyllenhaal. I don't know why but it sounds so wierd to have famous people call themselves by their first name, I guess cos we always talk about them using their whole name.
On a similar note have you seen the banned Katy Pery clip from Sesame street, pretty cute.

Pretty mindless boring drivel today sorry but thats whats on my mind after a long day selling chicke

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Hi Everyone
I'm drawing out my final shifts at KFC, to be honest I'm gonna miss it a bit. I know, sick right. But my coworkers are pretty goddam awesome, (BTW if you ate a double down u r a FREAK). But since I have the ever elusive SCIENCE JOB I'm also pretty excited, although it will mean early mornings, and I am the antonym of a morning person. Currently I am bored out of my mind, I have discoverd that I actually cant stand doing nothing at nights other than watch TV, hence if I have a blog, perhaps I'll make myself do more interesting things to blog about. Contemplating making this.... Chocbanana Bread.

you can find the recipe here, FYI if you are ever stuck for recipes check Food Gawker, it is AMAZING, especially if you are like me and prefer to have a picture of the recipe you are going to make.
Pretty goddam amazing, I also found peanut butter snickers cookies, thats right you heard me.
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